I am currently 26 days into my Costa Rica "experience", and only have 6 more to go. It is a crazy thought that I will be heading home on Sunday. I must say that I am so ready to be on the other side of that 7 hour flight. I am missing my family and friends quite a lot and especially missing Josh. I think skype is either the greatest or worst invention ever, still can't decide :)
But, until I leave on Sunday I have several more adventures in Costa Rica. I am actually experiencing one right now.
It is rainy season in Costa Rica (aka winter, although the temperature never falls below 75) and when it rains the bugs come out. And boy do they like my room. ( It must be the sweet cartoon animal train wallpaper). I am spending tonight battling the flying worms. I don't think that is the scientific name but that is the best way I can describe them. They start out as worms then grow wings and fly around my room until I kill them with my flip flop or until they die of natural causes and shed their wings all over the place. Death is not the end for these bugs however. Luckily for me I don't have to clean up these tragic remains because the "ant ambulance" comes by just in time for dinner. Yum.
Oh Costa Rica.
Well, beyond bugs I got a chance to get close to some other wildlife this weekend. Claire and I, along with 13 other friends from our program rented a tourism van and decided to go see Costa Rica. This adventure started off at 7 in the morning accidentally leaving one of our passengers ( we went back for him!). Then we traveled out of San Jose all the way to Puntarenas. Unfortunately, on our way we had a bit of van trouble. This is to be expected in Costa Rica, because everyone and everything is on Tico-time. I am learning that no matter what, things will take at least 30 minutes more than expected. This is if you're lucky. This is not too strange for me because I did grow up on Rock Creek time. :) After a nice truck driver stopped we were able to drive our van to a service station. While the van was getting worked on we went to do a little hiking in a river close to the service station. This was such a refreshing break!
We then headed to the coast of Puntarenas where we chowed down on tacos and smoothies. After our little break we kept driving to our destination of wonder. The Crocodile bridge.
Isn't she a beauty?! |
The Coast of Jaco |
After all the shenanigans Claire and I still love each other. I don't know what I am going to do without her next month! |
We had a day full adventure that is for sure.
But the fun didn't stop there! After seeing the Crocs and trying to feed them frozen fish ( which is illegal, didn't know that) we headed to Jaco for dinner. After this short beach town detour we headed home. Our bus only broke down one more time on the way home and we were able to make it safely back to the house. PTL!
We had a wonderful weekend. On Sunday we got a new roommate from South Carolina and we went to our 1st Catholic Mass in Spanish!
Overall it was a memorable weekend. I am hoping that this week of classes goes by quickly because we're planning on going on an excursion this Friday. Stay tuned to see where we end up!
Thanks for keeping up with all my crazy Costa Rican adventures. I hope that you are loving on somebody this week, I know we all could use a little more of that!