Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top 10 Tuesday :Blessings edition

"Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O Lord, in the light of your face, who exult in your name all the day and in your righteousness are exalted." -Psalm 89:15,16

Today, I am not focusing on what I did wrong yesterday, but I'm realizing how immensely I am blessed. Gees Louise! I look around and it astounds me that I have ever complained! This verse says it all, blessed are we if we know the Lord! No matter how much homework I have to do or money I don't have I am still blessed beyond measure by a gracious God! 
So in honor of this beautiful insight into my blessings my Top Ten Tuesday is going to consist of some of my favorite pictures from my iphoto. Going through these made me so happy, remembering all of the awesome things that I have gotten to experience. I hope you enjoy! 
Christine and I , the moment we found out that we were going to the SEC Championship Game!

1st semester of college doing a photo scavenger hunt with the Navigators. We knocked on President Witt's door. Rebels.

My brother Nate , me and my sweet Mama at the beach two summers ago.

Cinderella performance last spring having some fun in the dressing room.

As a counselor at the American Ballet Summer Intensive I was responsible and serious ...

This past Christmas with my roomies, showing off our dirty Santa winnings. They formed an incredibly creepy doll that we name "Pierre".

After the SEC Championship with Nate and my Daddy. War Eagle.

My cousin Casey and I after filming our family's latest film, X-Wing Time Machine.

William & Kate are not the only ones that are going to have a royal wedding.

Tower of Tubes with Hannah at my 2nd favorite place of all time, Camp Chula Vista.

Another CCV moment with Katie.

Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week and don't forget to love one somebody!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not the Candydrop button!

Have you ever wondered what to do with all those extra buttons you have laying around? Because, let's get real, if one falls off your shirt there is no way that you're going to find the time to sew it back on. With that being said, it is time for you to get crafty with all those left over buttons. After sifting through countless blogs I found some pretty creative DIY ideas!
These little button magnets are so adorable and easy to make!  Big Box Detox has step by step instructions. 
Another craft idea found at Big Box Detox. All you need is buttons, hot glue gun , and bobby pins.

These little cuties are button earring that you can buy here at Vintette shop on etsy or if you're feeling extra crafty then you could make some yourself! 

I found another crafty way to use buttons at bybelinda 's shop on etsy.

Found this cute button monogram at Spearmint Baby

And since I am a little wedding happy right now, here is a sweet button-themed bridal tea from  the wedding chicks (check out the button garland!)
These yummy little cupcakes are topped with buttons from the ladies at Sugar and Spice
And these last two little button crafts should give you some great DIY present ideas! 
Hope you are enjoying your week and don't forget to go love on someone! 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

10 Things I wish I could register for

Today is Tuesday and that means it is time for my Top 10 Tuesday favorites! Today has been a pretty rotten day, but as my Spanish teacher reminded me, I should enjoy my life and be happy. So, here's to enjoying life and little window shopping to ease the stress! :) 
This absolutely adorable luggage from Get Ready Set Go  on etsy is so perfect! 

I am currently trying to expand my book collection and really want to add classics, like this beautiful copy of Little Woman from modcloth

Another adorable item that I wish I could add to my wedding registry! Two peas in a pod salt and pepper shakers! Also from Modcloth.
I have been looking for the perfect tea kettle and I believe that this is it! Found this little gem on Guthrie and the Postman
This simple but beautiful dinnerware from World Market would look perfect on the table! 

This wall decor from Urban Outfitters would be so pretty as a headboard for a bed!
Another Urban Outfitters favorite, a laboratory inspired vase set.

Love this super fun couch from ikea! Reminds me a little of Minnie Mouse :)

This sweet banner is made by nice and I think would be the perfect thing to see whenever you walk in the door.   

  Hope you have enjoyed your Tuesday, you don't know how many more you'll have! Make them count! Now go love on someone! 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Musical Madness

There are several bands that have been tickling my ears lately. Here are a few songs that will make your summer come a little faster! :)
"5 years time"-Noah and the whale  This song has the potential to turn a terrible-no-good-day into a day where you're laughing and holding hands with your enemies. Just an all around happy piece of music.

"No one's gonna love you"-Band of Horses Probably my favorite band right now apart from Mumford. This song is so sweet and I wouldn't suggest putting it on a mix cd for someone unless you really like them!      

"Rolling in the deep"-Adele Adele is a large British woman with a big ole' voice. Every time I hear her soulful tones I get chills. She makes me wish I could belt it out. (sometimes I do, but only in the shower. Thanks, Adele for the inspiration!)

"Blessed"- Brett Dennen Who can resist a redhead with a quirky voice? Brett Dennen has a simple acoustic sound that is easy to listen to and hard to forget.   

"Winter Winds"-Mumford&Sons This song is my official life theme music. If I could have it played everywhere I go, I would. Love Mumford. what else can be said?! 

"Barton Hollow"- The Civil Wars This duo has more stage presence than any performer I have ever seen. When I saw them at Workplay in February I was convinced that they were madly in love , but found out later that they're both married (to different people.) I was pretty disappointed, but that doesn't change the fact that they have an awesome folky sound that will make break out the suspenders and go down to the river.

Hope you have a wonderful day! Don't forget to love on someone today! -e

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Today has most definitely been exhausting and I want to celebrate that by sharing some of my new favorites! No need to get the "Tuesday Blues" , enjoy my top 10 Tuesday favorites! 
This Anthropologie dress is so simple but beautiful! Perfect for Alabama spring time.

Another Anthropologie favorite. I am so glad that the high waisted swim suits are coming back.

Found these little cake topper birds on Etsy.

Red Velvet now has a styling e-course, not sure what all that entails, but I love their designs!

Another Etsy favorite! Can you imagine sleeping under these tree every night?!

Etsy artists have taken happy to a whole new level with these cheery prints that would brighten any day!

This vintage Red Velvet dress is so adorable!
Scrabble Cookies! Best (and most delicious) idea!
Jacqueline Kennedy's wedding dress. Talk about gorgeous!
And my finally "happy" for the day is from Pretty Little Studio, these are super cute vintage alphabet cards. 

 I hope that this post can bring a little happy to your week! Don't forget to love on someone today! -eew

The Beginning

 A little insight into my life. I am a visual person so there will be pictures, always!

This is my merry band of Gypsies! (my dance friends)
 My two wonderful roommates:Christine (red) and Samantha (green), I'm in the purple.
 This is a 'shot' from a date where Josh and I went to the shooting range. I am not a hunter and feel like such a poser holding a gun. What you can't see is that I am wearing Chacos in this picture! :)
 My Brother Nate and I at his place of work 'Yogurt Lab'.
Finally, My Fiancé, Josh and I during Christmas this year. We're getting married on August 6th, 2011! A very short time from now! I am so excited and a little overwhelmed. Not only are we both full time students, but Josh is also a Youth Pastor and I have taken on as many extra-curricular as humanly possible! Good thing my sweet Mom has assumed the position as 'Wedding Coordinator'. I'm sure that my future posts will contain more wedding overflow. It's kind of what is on my brain these days.