Thursday, April 21, 2011

Not the Candydrop button!

Have you ever wondered what to do with all those extra buttons you have laying around? Because, let's get real, if one falls off your shirt there is no way that you're going to find the time to sew it back on. With that being said, it is time for you to get crafty with all those left over buttons. After sifting through countless blogs I found some pretty creative DIY ideas!
These little button magnets are so adorable and easy to make!  Big Box Detox has step by step instructions. 
Another craft idea found at Big Box Detox. All you need is buttons, hot glue gun , and bobby pins.

These little cuties are button earring that you can buy here at Vintette shop on etsy or if you're feeling extra crafty then you could make some yourself! 

I found another crafty way to use buttons at bybelinda 's shop on etsy.

Found this cute button monogram at Spearmint Baby

And since I am a little wedding happy right now, here is a sweet button-themed bridal tea from  the wedding chicks (check out the button garland!)
These yummy little cupcakes are topped with buttons from the ladies at Sugar and Spice
And these last two little button crafts should give you some great DIY present ideas! 
Hope you are enjoying your week and don't forget to go love on someone! 

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