Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Beginning

 A little insight into my life. I am a visual person so there will be pictures, always!

This is my merry band of Gypsies! (my dance friends)
 My two wonderful roommates:Christine (red) and Samantha (green), I'm in the purple.
 This is a 'shot' from a date where Josh and I went to the shooting range. I am not a hunter and feel like such a poser holding a gun. What you can't see is that I am wearing Chacos in this picture! :)
 My Brother Nate and I at his place of work 'Yogurt Lab'.
Finally, My Fiancé, Josh and I during Christmas this year. We're getting married on August 6th, 2011! A very short time from now! I am so excited and a little overwhelmed. Not only are we both full time students, but Josh is also a Youth Pastor and I have taken on as many extra-curricular as humanly possible! Good thing my sweet Mom has assumed the position as 'Wedding Coordinator'. I'm sure that my future posts will contain more wedding overflow. It's kind of what is on my brain these days.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Emily! Can´t wait to follow you blogg! I got one to thegoodthebadtheugly.blogg.no but its all in norwegian! Congratulation with the engagement!! I´m so happy for you! Hope you´re doing well!
    Talk to you soon!
