Sunday, June 5, 2011

Costa Rica: Cruise to Tortuga

My time in Costa Rica has not been a little bit stressful and honestly not what I expected at all. That said, it has still been wonderful. I feel like I am drinking from a fire hydrant. There is just so much to learn and take in. I'm learning Spanish and how to take care of myself. I have willing stepped outside of my comfort zone and at first, I was extremely shocked to see what was outside, but now the temperature is cooling and I'm beginning to enjoy myself.
Speaking of enjoying myself... yesterday I went on an excursion with our group to the Tortuga Islands. We left early Saturday morning, took a 2 hour bus ride to the Calypso Cafe where we ate breakfast. Like all the food that we've had here it was wonderful! We had Gallo Pinto (rice, black beans, eggs) , fried plantains, fruit, and some stinking delicious coffee. After breakfast we got on the boat.
We got to lay on something that looked like a giant trampoline. It was very comfortable and super bouncy. Here is Sarah, Lynnae, and Claire all enjoying the boat ride.

Our Boat
The day consisted of many activities. When we first got to the island we went snorkeling. This was quite an adventure because I had never been before. If I'm being for real, I was a little nervous. (I haven't had the best luck on this trip, so I have kind of had a "chicken little" mentality.) Despite my nerves I suited up and fearlessly plopped into the water, which was a comfortable temperature and so incredibly soothing. Going underwater was crazy. I could see everything! Those fish were so brightly colored and quick. At first, I felt like I was suffocating, but after a pep talk from one of my friends I was snorkeling like a pro. It was like being inside of an aquarium. So stinking cool.
After our snorkeling adventure we had a wonderful 4 course lunch. This consisted of Ceviche, which is an appetizer of fish, onions, peppers, and cilantro. Then we had our salad course with lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers in a sweet sauce, and pasta salad. Our main course was breaded chicken covered in a delicious sauce, I think something along the lines of honey mustard but so much better. There was also rice, (of course!) and beans. Then our dessert was coffee and I think, pound cake covered in a pineapple sauce. Muy Rico!
After lunch we swam and enjoyed the sunshine. Maybe a little too much enjoyment of the sun, because today I resemble a tomato. We also got to go on a thrilling banana boat ride! It was awesome.
All in all yesterday was exactly what I needed. Relaxation and enjoyment. I was able to see some of the most beautiful scenery and just sit and appreciate everything around me. My bitterness towards Costa Rica has warn off and now it has a special place in my heart. I realize that I only have about two more weeks left here and I want to make the most of them. Today, Claire and I are going to church with our family and then hopefully later going to an urban dance festival! I'm pretty excited about life right now.
Our own personal Caribbean Band.

My view of the coast from the boat.

Our wonderful beach picnic.

The view from my towel.

Claire and I after a delightful day at the beach, worn out but so very happy!

I hope that everyone has a truly blessed Sunday! Go love on your family and friends! ( and maybe some strangers who need it!)
Todo mi amor,

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