Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Voy a mi casa

My class at graduation. Our teacher is in the middle. I'm going to miss these wonderful people.

Sandra Li and I. She is probably the greatest Spanish teacher that I have ever had.

I have only been home for about 3 days, but I already miss Claire so much!

We call this our spend the night club. Victoria and Lynnae hung out with Claire and I most days. And one of my last nights in Costa Rica we all spent the night together and ate cookie dough. Good times.

The University of Costa Rica has some seriously huge bamboo. This is one set that lined a bridge through campus, pretty awesome.

So excited to be graduating! :)

I had a "Mom" moment when I demanded that Claire get a picture in front of the sign too.

I realized on my last morning that I hadn't taken any pictures of my food! So, here it is a typical Costa Rican breakfast. Gallo Pinto, scrambled eggs, fruit, cafe con leche, and fresh squeezed juice.
 Now that I am home from Costa Rica I feel a lot more relaxed, even though I do have about a million things to do. Most of my projects consist of wedding prep. So, after dinner last night I had some of my beautiful, wonderful, and most talented friends (I had to butter them up a little) help me address wedding invitations. Valerie, Hannah, and Katie all helped me make a huge dent in this rather large project. Katelyn also helped with moral support and clever comments.

Hannah and Katie rocking the envelopes.

A little invitation preview. Getting these right took a lot of time and numerous emails, but they finally arrived exactly the way I wanted them.

Valerie is super-skilled in calligraphy and printed some of the most beautiful letters. She definitely put my print to shame.

Katelyn had a painting project of her own going on.
 After this crazy month abroad I am so delighted to be home. I don't know that I have ever appreciated it as much as I do now. I only have a month left in this house and I want to show off some of the wonderful things that I missed while away.
Although my dad pretends to dislike Essie I realized how much he loves her when I came home to find about 50 different cat toys scattered around the house.

How can you not love that face?!

Mom's gardens are pretty much amazing!

Blueberries, I have been enjoying these in my cereal in the mornings.

My home for the past 21 and half years.

Shelia the Civ

The path that leads to my Granny's yard. Always felt kind of magical to me.

The backyard and all it's greenery. 
Being home is certainly wonderful. I do miss my Tico family and definitely Claire, but I am so glad to be home. I have gotten to spend a little bit of time with Josh (which has been so nice!) and hopefully in the coming weeks we'll get to spend more together! I am just really excited about life right now. Our wedding is only 4 and half weeks away! I cannot believe it's so soon! I don't know that I have stopped smiling. I am really enjoying my time at home with my parents too. Mom played hooky on Monday and we did a lot of wedding activities. Pretty soon the teas and showers will be starting and then the wedding will be here!
Well, I hope to post more wedding projects later on, but for now I hope you're loving on your sweet family and friends!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, so where was the picture of Josh in the "things I missed while away?" Seriously--YAY!! You are back!! Safe, sound, and happy!!
